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The Turning Point of Blood and Fire - Battle of Stalingrad

Xuan Hua 06 September 2024

In the early winter stages of 1942, the Germans in Stalingrad generally believed that they could win. ​According to the Leader and Supreme Commander of the Defence Forces Secret Order No. 41: “The winter campaign in Russia is coming to an end. Thanks to the tenacity and sacrifice of our officers and men on the Eastern Front, the German army has won a great victory in the defensive war. The enemy has suffered heavy losses in men and materials. During this winter the enemy, in their attempts to enlarge the so-called initial gains, has greatly depleted the core of their reserve forces, which were to be used in future operations. Once the weather and terrain conditions are in place, the superiority of the German commanders and troops will once again win the initiatives and force the enemy into submission. Our objective is the final annihilation of the remaining forces of the Red Army and the capture of as many of their most important war economic resources as possible. To this end, all available forces of the Wehrmacht and our Allies shall be devoted to this objective. At the same time, the coast of the occupied territories in the west and north of Europe must be secured by all means.​​”

​When Directive 41 was executed, the German 6th Army group​ compresed of 14 divisions with a total of 270 thousand men, plus two panzer divisions with 500 tanks and 3000 guns, not to mention the support of the Luftflotte 4, which meant they had 1200 combat aircraft to maintain air superiority.

These figures were not just a source of confidence for the Germans. For the Soviet behemoth, Germany had confronted with it, the legendary giant of the Bible, the Philistine Goliath. However, contrary to the historical story, their view was that this Goliath was so bloated and inefficient. Moreover, it even got rid of its commanding officer, General Tukhachevsky, known as the "Red Napoleon", just a few years back. ​It was viewed by the Germans as like cutting off a strong arm.

Germany, on the other hand, is more like that David, only this time it is a well equipped and confident David. This group of young people had no direct experience of the ceremony in Compiegne's train car in November 1918, as many were not even born yet. They only feel that some diminutive figure, godlike man had carried their country out of their despair and economic depression, such that they can again raise their heads before England and France. When they conquered France, they marched in the full glory of their uniforms into the pride of the rooster, the Arc de Triomphe. As for the British lions, as expected, they had relied on the English Channel to survive further onslaught.

When every logic substantiates this faith, it is inevitable that it results in this faith in their own invincibility. For more than a year of fighting against the Soviet Union, this belief was reinforced. Although, the Battle of Moscow did not achieve its goal, the gains at Kharkov once again proved that this David had the ability to slay dragons. The wreckage of the T-34 and KV tanks burned alongside the Panzer III on the march, accompanied by the strong morale of the German soldiers.

This time, the Führer wishes to humiliate the Georgian bear. Stalingrad, a city named after their mythologized leader. A capture of this city, which seemed more like a mental and pyschological blow, took precedence over the objectives of conquering the oil fields to the south. Stalingrad was, of course, viewed as the strategic location of the Soviet Union's central region, as a gateway to the important economic regions of the South. The capture of Stalingrad, was equivalent to controlling the Caucasus Area, such that if held, they can then attack Moscow from the south of the Persian Gulf. At the same time, west and south of Stalingrad was the Soviet war resource concentration area - in short, whether the battle was a strategic thinking or a move between two players on the chessboard, the fate of hundreds of thousands of pieces on the chessboard was rewritten.

The battle of Stalingrad is considered a turning point in the battle between the Allies and the Axis in World War II. A few months earlier, the American navy had achieved a turning point in the Pacific with the Battle of Midway, but this one on the eastern front was far more bloody and costly. The Germans want Stalingrad at all cost! Little did they know, however, that although the Germans occupied 80% of Stalingrad, the Sixth Army was completely destroyed with the start of the Soviet Operation Uranus. Paulus became a surrendered German marshal and 91,000 men were captured. In the end, only 5,000 people returned to Germany alive.

History can only reflect, of course, we cannot really turn back time, so Xuan Hua releases these 1:30 metal soldiers to take you back to the era laden with smoke and blood.

Xuan Hua's choice of non-combat status soldiers on the march, with the intention is that each embodies a living person. The figures reflect confusion, fatigue and anxiety, and an eagerness and desperateness to hold on to their gains. Each figure in that battle, hopefully represents a life to remember no matter what. This group of soldiers represents the German preparations, still full of confidence, but yet irony.

Unlike World War I's Verdun meat grinder and other battles with hundreds of thousands of casualties, gullies and machine guns are no longer enough to describe the Battle of Stalingrad. The close quarter hand-to-hand combat in the living rooms and kitchens, is also considered to be a "rat war." In this situation, the role of the MG-34 and 98K is more or less reduced, and sometimes, even the engineer shovel is the most advantageous weapon in hand to hand combat.

The cold winter of Russia had killed Napoleon many years before. Even though the Germans were equipped with winter coats, the harsh cold was still the greatest enemy of these pretentious Germans.

Xuan Hua releases for Stalingrad

Panzer III Type J, the main gun is 60 caliber long body 50 mm gun. A total of 2,616 were produced during the war. You can see its winter livery during the Battle of Stalingrad. However, due to street fighting, tanks played a very limited role in the campaign.

A German army that deploys military maps. Paulus, a staff officer, did not even serve as a regimental commander, so he was good at "talking on paper" and was a major cause of the German defeat later. (paper general)

Original Chinese text as published by Xuan Hua on Weixin follows:



2024年09月06日 00:052






而德国,更像是那个大卫,只不过这次是装备精良充满信念的大卫。这群年轻人并没有对1918年11月福熙的那节火车车厢里的仪式有什么直观感受,那时候他们只是婴儿甚至尚未出生。他们只知道某位身材矮小的人物,那神一样的人带着国家走出绝望和萧条,在英法面前重新昂起头颅,甚至他们征服了法国,全身戎装走过那只雄鸡的骄傲,凯旋门。至于英国这头狮子,虽然没有像预期中那么很快降服,他们也只能依靠海峡来苟延残喘。 当每一个事实都佐证了信念,那信念就必然无坚不摧。在苏联的一年多时间里,这个信念也在不断被加强。虽然莫斯科战役没有达成目标,但哈尔科夫又一次证明这个大卫有着屠龙的能力。T-34和KV坦克的残骸熊熊燃烧,旁边是行军中的III号坦克,伴随着士气旺盛的德军士兵们。













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